News Room
N: News | B: Blogs | P: Press
N: Campus Safety Magazine Interview with Mutualink
If Your Security System and Communications Aren’t Shareable, How Can They Help You? | Campus Safety Magazine Mutualink’s LNK360 hybrid cloud platform seamlessly integrates your existing security products...
N: Belen Consolidated Schools Test Mutualink In Active Shooter Drills
Belen Schools train with new emergency video system | Julia M. Dendinger | News-Bulletin Assistant Editor BELEN — One local school district is adding software to its security...
N: Exclusive News 8 Investigation Featuring Joe Dooley of Mutualink
Exclusive News 8 Investigation Featuring Joe Dooley of Mutualink | reveals hundreds of knives, dozens of handguns seized in Connecticut schools by: Jeff Derderian NEW...
P: Mohave County Sheriff’s Office Partners With Mutualink
Sheriff Schuster Introduces Mutualink Program into Mohave County Schools | Published by The Bee News “Save minutes, when seconds count.” is the mission of Mutualink Inc., a...
B: A Mobile Automated Emergency Response Solution for Outdoor and Remote Operations
Without an established, reliable communication channel, the challenges of effective event management, public safety, and emergency response increase drastically. In remote environments, these challenges pose serious threats where...
B: The Importance of Drills and Training in Emergency Response
The DOJ Uvalde School Shooting Response and Ohio Active Shooter Drill underscored how preparedness, communication, and a cohesive partnership between regional agencies make all the difference when responding...
N: Active Shooter Drill with Interoperability Focus Uncovers Failures: A Mutualink Interview with Joe Dooley
A recent active shooter drill in Conneaut, Ohio revealed sizable failures in emergency response planning and execution. The drill, which came after months of planning, focused on measuring...
B: Automated Emergency Response: What It Is, How It Works, and Why It Matters
If you've heard terms like "Automated Emergency Response (AER)" or "Interoperable Systems" and felt more confused than comforted, you're not alone. This advanced technology makes all the difference,...
B: The 2024 CT-NSGP: Our Free Guide to the Nonprofit Security Grant
The 2024 CT-NSGP (Connecticut Nonprofit Security Grant Program) is a new grant opportunity for 501(c) (3) organizations that own property in Connecticut that the DESPP commissioner determines is...